
A client is the code called by users and describe their behavior

Two examples are included here :

  • Nats - Pub client
  • Ping - Pong client in Python
  • Chat client in Javascript

Connection to NATS server

The client is connected to the NATS server. Options such as the server address or the user credentials can be provided. The connection is established through nats.connect.

import argparse
import asyncio

import nats

async def run():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument("subject", default="hello", nargs="?")
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--data", default="hello world")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--servers", default="nats://localhost:4222")
    parser.add_argument("--creds", default="")
    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    data =
    if len(unknown) > 0:
        data = unknown[0]

    async def error_cb(e):
        print("Error:", e)

    async def reconnected_cb():
        print("Got reconnected to NATS...")

    options = {"error_cb": error_cb, "reconnected_cb": reconnected_cb}

    if len(args.creds) > 0:
        options["user_credentials"] = args.creds

        if len(args.servers) > 0:
            options["servers"] = args.servers

        nc = await nats.connect(**options)
    except Exception as e:

Publish / Subscribe

A client can publish on a subject as well as subscribe to one to receive the messages going through this subject.

We use protobuf messages to allow for more flexibility in the message content when publishing (see Messages example for further details). In the following example, EchoRequest is a type of protobuf message. Since NATS payload are bytes array, the protobuf messages are converted to bytes.

    req = EchoRequest()
    req.message = data
    payload = req.SerializeToString()

    await nc.publish(args.subject, payload)
    print(f"Published on [{args.subject}] : '{data}'")

A client can subscribe to a subject and will then receive all the messages related to it. A client can define a message handler that describes how each messages received needs to be handled.

    async def message_handler(msg):
        req = EchoRequest.FromString(
        print(f"Received a message on [{msg.subject}]: '{req.message}'")

    await nc.subscribe(args.subject, cb=message_handler)
    print(f"Listening for message on [{args.subject}]")

Request / Reply

A client can request an answer from the applicative server. In this case, it will use the request/reply pattern instead of the publish/subscribe one.

Once again, a message is sent by the client. The applicative server will process it (see Router example for further details) and send back a Response.

    req = EchoRequest()
    req.message = data
    payload = req.SerializeToString()

    response = await nc.request(args.subject, payload, timeout=10)
    print(f"Requested on [{args.subject}] : '{data}'")
    res = EchoResponse.FromString(
    print(f"Got response: '{res.message}'")

Javascript client

A client written in Javascript that implement a chat system between users. Like the Python client seen above, it uses Publish/Subscribe to interact with the server.

This allows for two users logged into the service to chat together as seen bellow. chat client


Javascript client connect to the NATS Server through a websocket connection.